Not really dead. . .

Just focusing on other things & not really blogging any more. May come back to this for long articles & rants.

Pack Crack & Sac’ 1

Watch Dave, the Cameraman cracks open some packs trying to find cash cards he can sell for more packs.

Magic: the Gathering themed EDH deck tech: The Dreams of Titania Scorned

My first semi-professional video, all edited & constructed by me.

The video is a deck tech based on the themes of Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the character of Titania. Unlike other Blue/Black Commander decks, this one focuses more on stealing your opponents’ best things to use against them.

See how in the video below!

Some errors in it, like edit spots & lip synching but overall not bad for a first go.

Live Stream – Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: Less Human Than Something

Back to streaming – No Man’s Sky: Diary of a Star-lit Wanderer

Have started streaming again, so here’s my first new video using my new internet connection.


No Man’s Sky: Diary of a Star-Lit Wanderer.

Gaming: 1st Interaction with a Truly Toxic Overwatch Player



In the month or so I’ve been playing Overwatch have found the community so far very pleasant, without the toxicity of other online games I’ve tried my hands at (don’t get my started on DOTA 2 or LoL) so was kind of surprised to engage with a truly toxic individual.

Some background:

I only play casual because don’t have the rank for comp yet & I’m a pretty terrible player due to inherent issues with FPSs and nerve damage around my body. I also don’t tolerate abuse much & have a dry, sarcastic yet sharp response to things (mainly because am an Aussie & that’s out general humour form).

My preferred match is the Mystery Heroes, so often try my hand at that because am yet to find a character to main as yet, so like to give them all a try. Yet there are some whom I just cannot get my head around & generally suck at using (primarily Winston & Blackwidow) so I don’t like being give them randomly to use.

In the match where I encountered the toxic player, I was given Winston to control & had to defend the point by myself as the rest of the team had been wiped & were respawning. I held off as best I could but made a misplay by backing myself into a corner (poor spatial awareness on my part in 1st Person games) & getting swamped by enemy team.

That’s when the toxic player -let us call him Mon Capitan Toxicito- got onto the voice chat (something unusual in casual games) to have a go at me. He kept saying how much I sucked & how if we lose the game it’ll be my fault because I suck so much at the game.

I responded with “yep. I truly suck at this game. Suck so very very much. No idea why I play because I suck so badly at it.”
He couldn’t respond to that so he said: “Well. . . your screen name’s really stupid! Why call yourself Shadow?!”

Me: “because it’s my name.”
Which made him even more confused. He asked why I’d have my screen name as my real name & said because is easier to do that than make something up.
I then asked him his name & he said “Steven”, to which I replied “Steven? That’s a fucking stupid name. What kind of dickhead is called Steven! You’re making shit up now, kid! Get a real name when your balls drop!”

Rest of team get onto voice channel, laughing at him, because he’d been sniping them with negative comments all match. He then RQ’ed & we scraped through with a narrow win.

TL;DR version Meet first utterly toxic player, I mocked him but still had fun with the match. Not letting idiots ruin my games but won’t let things go quietly either.

Entering National Novel Writing Month

Signed up for the National Novel Writing Month project for the first time.
Have a donations page if you’d help out:
Also have my profile page here:
Will post updates here once it all starts.

Start Your Geekgasms – Star Wars: Rogue One official trailer

This year has already proved to be a huge boon for nostalgia geeks, with the releases of Voltron Legendary Defender & Stranger Things as well as the impending releases of Final Fantasy XV & Pokemon Sun/Moon but there is one release that overshadows them all.

Star Wars: Rogue One.

Indeed, the hype is strong with this one but, despite rumours of major rewrites to make the film “more fun & family friendly”, Rogue One stands out because it is the first major cinematic side story in the Star Wars universe (those Ewok films don’t count!) & indicates a shifting in tone for the franchise as a whole to looking at the wider universe & the characters within.

From what we have seen of the film so far, it plays out more like classic war films such as The Dirty Dozen or Westerns like The Magnificent Seven (which also has a remake due out soon) where a team must come together in order to achieve a seemingly impossible task.

Like the prequels (which still suck!) the end point is known because it leads directly into Star Wars: A New Hope but the path is still unknown & that is what gets people excited.

TCG Magic the Gathering: Eldritch Moon pre-release match (camcorder test footage)



Went to the Midnight pre-release of the latest Magic the Gathering expansion, Eldritch Moon, last night (the 15th of July) & tested out my new camcorder. I combined it with my mini-tripod, which is why the angle is awful.

Video is also a bit NSFW due to all the swearing in.

Like an insane amount of swearing. More than I usually do.

Edit: posted a better version of the video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel so can make more of these type of videos. Mainly when I get better equipment & such.

Please also donate to my Patreon, so can actually get new equipment.

More videos to come in the coming weeks too.